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Missions and activities

Documents d'artistes Centre-Loire Valley supports artists by documenting their work throughout their career. Dedicated to artists based in the Centre-Loire Valley region, Documents d'artistes is a digital resource at the service of a territory. Working in synergy with other structures dedicated to the visual arts, it contributes to the development of the regional art scene and raises awareness among all publics.

The regional territory has been particularly active in the creation of DDA Centre-Val de Loire. This support and documentation tool dedicated to the work of artists based in Centre-Val de Loire has been requested both by artists, visual arts professionals, but also by cultural project leaders from other sectors. From 2019 to 2023, Documents d'artistes Centre-Loire Valley was patiently built on a regional scale thanks to a collective and territorial initiative led by the regional visual arts network, devenir·art

The missions of Documents d'artistes

  • Monographic editorialization of the work of referenced artists, corresponding to a precise documentary method and principles of work presentation that guarantees quality, rigor and evolution, and is recognized by art professionals.

  • The possibility of building a visibility that creates professional opportunities and generates contacts in the field (public meetings - studio visits - critical accompaniment - documentation of work through original editorial productions - highlighting specific regional features - documentation training for art school students and artists, etc.).

Working alongside artists, Documents d'artistes contributes to the discovery, promotion and development of the artistic scene in Centre-Loire Valley, by offering a knowledge tool for all audiences. With its documentary database, Documents d'artistes Centre-Loire Valley will progressively produce a panorama of the region's contemporary creation, and generate contacts with professionals through actions in the field. The aim is to make documented artists visible and put them in contact with professionals who can support the development of their practice, whether they be critics, theorists, curators or presenters active on a regional, national and international scale.

As part of the documents d'artistes Network, Documents d'artistes Centre-Loire Valley participates in the federation's collective projects, and benefits from partnerships developed to promote the visibility and influence of its members and local artists.


Cindy Daguenet, director - +
Postal adress : CCC OD Jardin François 1er 37000 Tours

Executive board
Documents d’artistes Centre-Loire Valley is a non-profit association law 1901 created in Tours in december 2022 with active members :

  • Co-presidentes, Ingrid Luche (artist and teacher) and Isabelle Reiher (general director of the CCCOD, Tours);

  • Vice-presidente, Marie-Claude Valentin (founder of Mode d'Emploi, Tours);

  • Treasurer, Antoine Réguillon (director art center and art school, Châtellerault);

  • Secretary, Stéphanie Bros  

  • Administrator, Élodie Bernard (artistic director and independent curator).

  • Honorary member, Christine Finizio (co-founder of Documents d’artistes and director of Documents d’Artistes Bretagne); 


  • Graphic designer - Super Terrain, founded in 2014, the Studio is based in Nantes and Marseille :

    • Quentin Bodin

    • Luc de Fouquet

    • Lucas Meyer

  • Server outsourcing, L-U-M-I, Brest :

    • Gaël Moissonnier

The Documents d’artistes Network (Artist folio archive Network)

Founded in 2011, the Documents d’artistes Network Network unites the existing artist folio archive associations in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, Brittany, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Occitania, Réunion, Centre-Loire Valley and Geneva (Switzerland).

The Documents d'artistes (DDA) Network presents the work of more than 650 artists in France and Switzerland. Through its editorial web platform, the programming of broadcast events and various professional support actions, it promotes the visibility of contemporary creation internationally.

Through literary and film commissions, studio visits, public events, and the forging of professional partnerships, the The Documents d’artistes Network works to elevate regional art scenes to a position of national and international visibility and influence. It also implements initiatives to support artists in the development of their art, and to promote professional collaboration.

The Documents d’artistes Network is a collaborative and contributory workspace uniting member DDA associations around a charter and the rules of practice. It guarantees the proper usage of the designation “Documents d’artistes” and of the work methods linked to the digital documentation of art developed by its founding members. It is a shared resource maintained and developed by its members and enriched by the distinctive nature of the work done in each region.

The Documents d’artistes Network was founded on the desire to cooperate, share, and implement a collective approach to regional development. Open to collaboration, we support the blossoming of new, regional DDA structures by working with project leads and professionals.

The Documents d’artistes Network is based in Brest and Marseille.

The website, inaugurated in 2013, provides access to artists' files, focuses on their news and professional networks and presents various forms of unpublished publications inviting the discovery of works.

Team : 
Iragaëlle Monnier et Claire Henry, development and projects officers

Partners :
The Documents d’artistes Network receives the support of the cultural ministry’s Directorate-General for Artistic Creation.
It is a member of CIPAC, a federation of contemporary art professionals.

Selection committee

Once a year, a selection committee is invited to determine the artists who will integrate the site the following year. This jury, renewed each year by part, is composed of various professionals of the art (artists, curators, managers of places of diffusion, institutionals, collectors, critics...) which contribute to building the quality and diversity of the documentary collection.

Application conditions

  • Living and working in Centre-Val de Loire;

  • Carry out a professional artistic activity;

  • Working in the field of contemporary art;

  • Exhibit regularly in contemporary art venues in France and/or abroad.

  • The first committee was held in september 2023, in the presence of the following jury members:

The first committee was held in september 2023, in the presence of the following jury members : Camille de Singly, Vanina Andréani, Éric Degoutte, Alexia Guggémos, Patrice Moreau, Marie-Anita Gaube, Anne-Laure Chamboissier.


Documents d'artistes Centre-Loire Valley receives of the cultural ministry’s D.R.A.C Centre-Val de Loire and the Centre-Loire Valley region.

Its partnership with Réseau documents d'artistes and the regional visual arts network devenir·art.

Others regions  : Documents d’artistes PACABretagneAuvergne Rhône-AlpesNouvelle-AquitaineLa Réunion, Occitanie et Genève.